Strenghten your skills

Somatic coaching

Connecting mind, body, and emotions allows us to rediscover the wisdom of the body and the unity between the parts. Often, returning to this unity allows us to gather the answers we were looking for. Somatic coaching — based on Pantarei Approach — is a type of work that allows one to connect with self through the body. It is an approach that uses verbal communication and touch to connect people to their own strength, uniqueness and way of being themselves.  

In fact, as human beings, we are born with the innate ability to be a body and be able to create change. In each session, the person has the opportunity to learn how to use this capacity in the desired direction to pursue his or her own will, goals, intentions, etc. 

Awareness of the body, together with being aware of their own qualities, thoughts, and current situations are the key factors in each somatic coaching session. In particular, the felt sensation (felt sense) is the key element that allows the body's wisdom and the unity of the parts to be regained for the achievement of their goals. 

Somatic coaching utilizes a learning process to support people to overcome obstacles, to allow emotions be felt without resistance so as to experience them, "go through them," to gain greater clarity. All of these experiences, along with strengthening interpersonal relationships and improving vitality in general, help improve daily experience and provide a useful tool for learning how to be well.

A journey toward personal transformation through your qualities

Somatic coaching is suitable for someone who:

Everything flows

Working with our body and tapping into its resources, energy and strength can help us face any struggle, challenge or project. Somatic coaching Pantarei Approach can teach how to overcome obstacles, deal with chronic conditions, let emotions be experienced and to gain new energy, lightness and clarity of purpose within oneself. 

This practical and effective approach teaches people to build their own path to happiness by taking the lead in their lives with what is in the moment.

We use verbal communication and touch to guide you on the journey of your uniqueness

IMPORTANTE Somatic coaching is not considered medical therapy, nor can it be used as a substitute for any kind of medically necessary treatment. We do not give medical diagnosis or treatment for physical or psychiatric conditions. Somatic coaching work does not seek to replace appropriate professional guidance, nor does it make promises of healing. 

Get in touch

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Per recuperare con una condizione che richiede urgenza, il dolore richiama la nostra attenzioni affinché ce ne prendiamo cura

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Efficace per rilasciare stati di stress e ansia, milgiorare sintomi fisici ricorrenti,  insegnare il rilassamento profondo

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Proponiamo lezioni di movimento sMove per allenare l’attenzione corporea e stimolare la neuroplasticità, sia online che in presenza
