Let's work together
1:1 Sessions
Whether it is a physical condition, such as a painful symptom;or trauma due to an accident or dramatic and sudden event; or emotional pain such as separation or grief; our goal is to support people who come to us with a somatic approach based on body attention and trust in the body's resources.
Within a safe environment, we use touch to guide a person to the places where they are blocked, allowing the body to naturally and innately rebalance and strengthen without becoming trapped in the experience.
We offer individual sessions to work on specific issues and subjects, and we support people in a personal process aimed at evolution and change.
Based on individual needs and desires, we will choose together the best path for you between Bodywork, Recovery, Footwork or Somatic Coaching.
A chronic pain, discomfort, symptom or emotion can be transformed into energy and resources.
A process with Grinberg Method sessions is based on body trust and learning. When guided in a safe and suitable environment, the body can learn how to be well and allow the experience of sensations. In this way, you recover physicality, become free from mental patterns and habits, and live better and happier.
Recovery is a specific methodology of the Grinberg Method. Recovery sessions are a series of meetings focused exclusively on a physical condition that requires urgency and precision in order to reduce suffering as quickly as possible.
Pain is used by the body to bring it to our attention, and receiving Recovery sessions when the pain is intense allows the body to more simply access its own resources to heal.
It comes from the union of holistic reflexology and bodylearning, the human ability to learn through experience.
It is a working approach indicated for those suffering from stress, anxiety and panic attacks, for those who want to have concrete, physically-based support to prevent burnout, for those who want to improve their presence and perception, for those who need to learn how to relax in order to rest.
Somatic coaching
Somatic coaching is a method of personal development that consists of accompanying people on a path of growth and empowerment of their own resources, focusing on the uniqueness of the person.
Verbal communication is combined with touch in such a way as to guide the person through sensations in the discovery of one's uniqueness, by trusting the body its innate abilities and perception.
Get in touch
A footwork preview
Holistic reflexology and body attention for a path from feet to head