Let's work together with the Grinberg Method


In Bodywork sessions, based on the Grinberg Method, you can start with a problematic sensation, such as a physical pain (back pain, migraine, muscle tension...) or a situation that causes pain, discomfort, stress, anxiety, panic attacks or an emotion that you cannot accept or manage. 


Different types of touch, movement, and breathing are utilized, and verbal description is used to bring attention into the person's experience.

As a result, a bodywork session might look like massage or manipulation, but it is not.


Touch is the language used to discover how the person reacts to different experiences and to communicate with the body in a direct and immediate way, without interpretation. 


In fact, with our somatic approach the person can learn how to transform a chronic pain, discomfort, symptom or emotion into energy and resource. 

The word Embodiment best represents what we teach. It comes from Embody which means "to give concrete form to something." Our intention is to let people feel the sensations and experience the union of mind and body, concretely.

Embodiment: experiencing the union of mind and body, feeling the sensations
We focus our attention on how you respond in specific situations, that is, on a pattern such as a repeated behavior, emotion, habit or symptom that appears recurrently and you want to change. In bodywork sessions, we guide people to feel how they respond automatically in specific situations and how that response manifests in the body so that they can recognize it, know where to direct their attention when they will be in the actual situation and, consequently, control it. People can learn how they contract a specific area of the body, how they breathe and how they relax in order to control the pattern so that it can be prevented from occurring in daily life.

What can you learn to do? Some examples:

How does it work?

From the first meeting, the person learns to develop a high level of attention to the body through breathing, touch, movement and description.


You learn to shift your attention from understanding, from always having an explanation and mental interpretation — that is, from what we are culturally used to — to physical, direct experience. 

Bodywork - ComeStareBene
Attention in connection with breathing, description and touch becomes the means of connecting the experience of sensations to reality.

The first session

The first session lays the groundwork for the process by defining its goal.


A process begins with an assessment, that is, an evaluation in which the practitioner will conduct an analysis of the foot to get an overview of any physical imbalances and how they may manifest in life. The feet, with their signs, communicate how a person walks through life. 


The practitioner observes the foot, describes and asks questions, in order to get to know the person and have important information on which to direct attention to the condition or issue one wishes to change or improve. 

The process

During the sessions, the practitioner may give training instructions so that the goal and subject of the process can be better integrated into the body and daily lives. The interaction between the bodywork and the client's life is the basis of each process, supported by the close collaboration between the practitioner and the person. Each session normally lasts one hour and is weekly.

Disclaimer. The Grinberg Method is an educational method that teaches through the body. The Grinberg Method does not claim to heal, does not is not an alternative medicine, does not is not a form of therapeutic massage, does not and is not considered among the caring professions. It is not intended for people suffering from life-threatening conditions or serious illnesses requiring medical or psychiatric attention does not and is not intended to replace any kind of treatment required. It is not It is not based on ideological or mystical grounds and does not require any particular lifestyle. 

Code of Ethics

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